Who do you love?

Photo from https://justynarossy.com/2021/06/23/venus-and-mars-conjunction-13th-july-2021/

“Who do you love?

Are you for sure?”

Venus and Mars have begun their rendezvous in Capricorn. I heard LL Cool J’s lyrics very clearly (and the original version by Bernard Wright).

The divine feminine and divine masculine are uniting cosmically but what does that mean for the collective? How can we use this aspect for internal growth, especially since it is happening during the Leo Full Moon? As above, so below; as within, so without.

If you haven’t been diving down a path of self-love and self-exploration, this could become apparent now. The question may not be who do you love but more appropriately, how do you love and what do you love and then, subsequently, how do you go about getting it? 

With their meet up happening in the sign of Capricorn (Saturn’s home), expect to deal with the structures and limitations around giving and receiving the love you want. Some karmic stuff can show up too (past life love issues as well as Chiron based wounds). The recent Venus retrograde here should have brought a lot of things to the surface. The key to begin learning more can be found by locating Venus and Mars in your natal chart. 

If you have been unhappy or unsure in love, it may become more highlighted by this full moon lunation because, the moon is really asking you to be courageous and loyal to your own heart and focus on giving yourself the love you want to receive from another. The highest expression of Leo is embodying the very idea of love and taking that to new heights. Questions to consider: 

🌕What does it actually feel like to operate from a place of love? 

🌕 How does that change how you approach loving yourself and others?The real flex is, instead of focusing on external love, using the passion ignited by these two planetary bodies combined to discover and try out creative pursuits that bring your inner child joy. When you feel the joy and love within, you can’t help but radiate that outwards and attract more to you.



When Pluto Returns…