Music soothes my soul…

I know I’m not alone in that music can literally change my mood for the better. Put on one of my favorite joints and I’ll be singing along with it. 

That’s why when I woke up feeling bleh, with my head feeling groggy, I went to music. This sound bath was aimed to help me bring the energy from my head down into my heart so I could express it creatively. 

The sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Libra. In my personal chart, the moon is conjunct (really close to) my natal Mercury. So it makes sense that I would be here writing about my feelings lol. It literally felt like there was pressure in my head.  Playing my bowls and then benefiting from the vibrations helped me get the energy out of my head and onto the page.  👏🏾

It isn’t easy to remember to go to our toolkits to heal ourselves. We haven’t been taught that we could do that. We defer to other things or other people. Today, I gave myself permission to heal myself. I recorded it so that I could share it with you.


I H’aint Blue


Warrior Woman - Put Down your Armor